Tuesday 20 November 2012

Gossip Candy at Future Hits Live 2012! & IFY TW Radio Tour

As you know, we have a slight obsession with The Wanted, here at Gossip Candy. So when it was our friend Keah's 16th birthday weekend, we just had to go and see them. Obviously.
So first we went to their radio tour in Leeds at Capital FM and Radio Aire on the friday. WOW! It was busssyyyyy. We hardly got to the boys, but Seev came over and got a picture with us. Bless him, he's such a cutie. Shame he couldn't keep his eyes open (HAHA!)
Here we are:

Saturday arrives, there we went, travelling down the motorway for 4 and a half hours to attend Future Hits Live in Preston. Now unfortunately, being the blonde fangirl I am, I brought my professional camera and left the batteries in the hotel room -.- (#slapsself). But luckily Rosie and Gossip Candy Taxi Driver (AKA Mum) had brought theirs. Although we didn't get many photos, only a few from before hand. We hadn't been to a concert since June so we were a bit hyper. Ok that's an understatement. It was a good job it was half term the week after, it took me all week to recover! Haha.

Rosie - Gossip Candy's junior reporter and Sarah - Gossip Candy's editor. 

Rosie, Sarah and birthday girl Keah.

We just didn't see our boys, we saw our favourite new boyband, Lawson, there aswell. (Debut album review coming soon!), along with Fazer, Amelia Lily, Angel and Sam & The Womp.

Security were all nice. Something that we find important in gigs, you wouldn't think it was important but it ruins it if you've got the equivalent of Phil Mitchell watching your back all night. Venue was fantastic - it was held at 53 degrees nightclub and hosted by The Hits radio. Tickets were very reasonable at only £13.50. Staff were really helpful and the bar was cheap.

The only things that weren't top notch at future hits live was the over 16 rule (it meant a lot of their fans missed out) and Sam & The Womp. Seriously I had no idea what they were about, their performance was weird. But it was a laugh anyway!

Great acts, great atmosphere, definitely one of the best concerts we have been to lately.

We had a mint time at Future Hits Live and definitely want to go again next year! We had missed going to small gigs to see TW, so it was fantastic even though we had to travel so far.

Did you meet The Wanted on their I Found You radio tour? Tweet us photos and we'll RT them and have a nosy. @GossipCandyMag

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