Monday 14 January 2013

Motivational Monday - my 2 favourite quotes of the week and 5 resolutions for 2013! :)

Why hello there! Long time no see! This is the first official gossip candy post in 2013! 2012 has flown past! What a year. Some of my highlights include, meeting one direction, watching professor green front of stage in the summer (both at party in the park - see review here) and watching gossip candy develop further.
 You may have been wondering where I have been, the answer is, amongst a pile of books studying! I had my first AS level exams this month and my last one was today (hurray!). So I thought i'd pop by and let you all know how I'm doing. 
What better way to start the year off, than with a Motivational Monday post? My plan is to start a Motivational Monday blog post series, where I share all things inspiring. After all, who doesn't need a bit of extra oomph to get you going after a long monday at school/work? 

Especially with this weather - this is a photo of the weather outside my college today. I was not amused. Snow + me = injuries.
Anyway, on with the post!

I love these quotes, don't you? Follow us on tumblr for more positivity and eyecandy related posts.

We have 5 resolutions for 2013 here at Gossip Candy! Here are our goals for the year:
A giveaway at the end of every month
Hit 2,000 followers
Instagram more
More fashion posts
Start posting on our youtube channel

Photos -

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